What’s life without good food? Food made with care, inventiveness, fun, love, and a real desire to feed? Food that evokes memory, stirs the senses, makes you forget your intermittent fast.

I am not a willing cook but once I find myself in the kitchen, I get quite into it. Instructions from my mother or mother in law, or my uncle – my mother’s brother, you couldn’t have had a more cool uncle, and he actually taught me the basics of cooking – play in my head. I start checking for things, sniff this, stir that, make sure the exact moment has been reached for the next part of the act. I end up having a good time, perennially worried though that whatever I’ve made isn’t tasting as good as I’d like it to.

Food always has context, when I write, it’s usually that which makes me want to. Hope you enjoy the rambles.

Yes, deep fried, of course

How did the salmon get into the Bengali Shorshe diye Macchher Jhaal?

The Baghdad Jewish dish that was created in Bombay and Calcutta